Monday, September 23, 2019

Language and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Language and Culture - Essay Example Language can affect the  culture  of a society, especially when the  society  borrows, and then modifies  alien  words from other cultures to  fit  in their own. As such this changes the  culture  making it evolve with time. Language use within a text refers to the combination of various forms of the  linguistic  and  grammatical  technique used within the context with the aim of communicating a message to another party. Its uses can  be  in many different ways and purposes; it  is spoken, written, and referred, from visual representations. Language  is used  to  work, play, praise, insult, court and reduce among other reasons. Throughout the use of language,  various  techniques  are applied  to  simplify  its meanings also to  create  interest  and  humor  such as through the use of rhyme and repetition to create a  musical  effect. The use of  language  can be categorized into much broader uses categories which are the  evocative, the expressive, the performative, the evaluative and the informative. This is for  clear  communication of information and there the use of  various  linguistic techniques. ... For instance, throughout the website the  writer  uses terms such as â€Å"you are not alone† in the start of a  sentence  when describing the  occurrence, effects and handling of peer pressure. This is an already constructed  phrase, and it passes information relating with most people within the society; thus, effectively and  immediately  passing the information to the readers. It also reduces the necessity of  grammatical  correction and the  application  of  further  grammatical  techniques within this part of the text. Within the various passage texts in the website, there are  various  words used that are of other and similar linguistic  background.  These are words obtained from other languages, or are a combination of two or more different ancient  language  words that sum up to the meaning of the intended, in the English context.  Words used such as microscope derived from the Greek words "mikros" referring to  puny  and "skopein" referring to look or  see, the two combined in English forms the word microscope meaning an  instrument  used in the viewing and investigations of objects that minute, and cannot be seen by the naked eye. Semantics The  linguistic  statement  semantics developed from the Greek word semantic, and it refers to the study of meaning focusing on the relation between the use of signifiers such as phrases, words, signs and what they  denote  in the text, in linguistics. It tries to  denote  meaning through the understanding of  different  human expressions through language.  This includes the use puns and conations, among others, in an English language  context  to  magnify  the expressed  message  and to ensure the readers' undivided attention.  It also acts as a  way  of reducing monotony, thus,

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